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ENT 26: Business Organization and Management

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This course aims to develop basic managerial concepts, skills and abilities which will enable the entrepreneur to create an internal environment with a productive & efficient work force. The different functions of management – planning, organizing, staffing, directing & controlling will be taken up thoroughly. Case analysis and experiential exercises will be employed as a catalyst for the learning process.


Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the students will be able to competently:

1.    Understand and appreciate the principles and theories behind the organizational structure and management functions within the business setting;

2.    Acquire the ability to move dynamically between the abstract and concrete, theory and practice in relation to business issues;

3.    Learn how a business achieves its objectives through the management of processes and their elements, how several processes interact with the organization, and how the organization interacts with the environment;

4.    Identify the procedural steps in setting up a business organization;

5.    Conjure creative & innovative approaches to organizational issues & problems;

6.    Establish the link between business organizations and strategic management.

Value Aims

Inculcated in the conduct of the course, the student is able to:

1.    Develop traits and values that contribute to the development of a principle-centered professional;

2.    Appreciate the value of cooperation and teamwork as well as individual responsibility through assignments, group case studies and group presentation;

3.    Understand and appreciate diversity and mutual respect as inherent attributes in relating with colleagues, associates, employees, clients, subordinates and persons of authority in any human/social/cultural or business setting;

4.    Recognize the competencies required in business management;

5.    Gain self-confidence in presenting case studies, presentations and reports; and

6.    Acquire an ultimately high sense of values and social responsibility in developing a profitable business set-up.

This course will help students to:

1.    Understand and appreciate business organizations and management concepts through lectures and interactive class discussions, oral and written presentations, field work and research, case studies and other business simulation;

2.    Develop a continuous learning process through current business situations; and

3.    Prove their absorption of knowledge and development of skills through graded recitations, quizzes and examinations.


Course Requirements

1.    Active participation in class. This will enhance the quality of the classroom experience. Students are encouraged to ask questions on lectures and readings and discuss assigned cases. In so doing, they must equip themselves with the proper tools by reading the assigned text and other relevant literature beforehand.

2.    Completion and on-time submission of written assignments and individual/group presentations. All written work must be typewritten or computer-printed, double-spaced, with page numbers, on standard letter-size paper and are to include appropriate headings.

3.    Staying within allowable number of absences. Missing class during project presentations and examinations will seriously jeopardize the student’s grade.

4.    Students are expected to be always on-time for class. This practice will inculcate the proper business attitude for future dealings.

5.    Cheating and plagiarism will be severely punished.


Grading System

A.           Class Standing                                                                          2/3

1.   Class Participation / Graded Recitation               20%
2.   Written Reports / Interviews/Assignments           20%
3.   Quizzes / Case Study                                             25%
4.   Preliminary Examination                                        35%   

B.           Finals                                                                               100% 1/3