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ET 102: Enterprise Planning

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This course will provide knowledge in identifying business opportunities and threats, evaluation of the organization’s capabilities, setting up of objectives, programming and budgeting. This will give directions on organizing and initiating a new business operation as well as in making decisions in the future when the business is to expand or to diversify. Emphasis is on small and medium scale enterprise.

Course Objectives :At the end of the course, the student is expected to:

1. Conceptualize and articulate a business venture idea in a project/product plan

2. Recognize the importance of creativity and innovativeness in business ventures

3. Acknowledge the dynamism and calculated risks involved in enterprise planning and implementation


1. Define and discuss the theoretical concepts in entrepreneurship and enterprise development

2. Identify and develop a business opportunity in the form of product prototype through the ideation process

3. Articulate the details of the venture idea through research, tests, and journal documentation

4. Present and exhibit the product developed in a business plan; business registration

5. Discuss the current trends and issues in entrepreneurship and small/medium scale enterprise development



           Kao, Raymond W.Y. and Liang, Tan Wee (2001) Entrepreneurship ad Enterprise Development

           Carter, Sara and Jones-Evans, Dylan (2000) Enterprise and Small Business. Financial Times: Prentice Hall

           Coulter, Mary (2001) Entrepreneurship in Action. Prentice Hall

           Dr. Felina C. Young (2003) Entrepreneurship

Course Requirements

OUTPUT: (Requirements)

Wk 1-2     Part 1: Module 1:        Activity #1: Student Profiling                                             

                                                    Activity # 2: Team Organization/Organizational Chart

                                                    Activity # 3: Individual Case Research: An Entrepreneur (work in progress)

                                                    Activity # 4: Topic/ Research Report (varying dates of topic presentations)

Wk 3-8     Part 2: Module 5     Activity # 5A :Product/project ideation; identification; conceptualization/opportunity/product

                                                                       Screening; Industry and Market Research; Product design and development; contributions

                                                 Activity # 5B: Prototype; work in progress : product & process operation; consultations

Wk 9                                         Activity # 6: Pre lim : Presentations (of Activity 5 & 6)

Wk 10-13 Part 3: Module 6 Activity #7: Business Plan Documentation and Organization: Business Permits/Licenses,

                                                                      Business Name Registration; Prototype – work in progress (written)

Wk 14-15                                                     Work in progress: t presentations; exhibition; revision; (Draft)

Wk 16-17                               Activity # 8: Business Plan defense; Final documentation; submission

                                                                      of Business Plan and its Evaluation

Wk 18     Part 4:                   Activity # 9: Course-Team- Peer-Individual Evaluation/Clearance; etc


99-100 = 5.00        87-89 = 3.00      75-77 = 1.00

96-98   = 4.50        84-86 = 2.50      74 below=F
93-95   = 4.00        81-83 = 2.00
90-92   = 3.50        78-80 = 1.50
Expectations from each student

The student’s responsibility is to come to each class prepared. She is also expected to take all examinations on the dates scheduled.   She should read/prepare well the assigned reading materials and topic presentations; submit all requirements as they are due.   She is expected work with teams, take charge of the assigned tasks; to attend each class and participate in class activities. She is expected to uphold the Miriam’s integrity, values, principles, discipline and aspirations as written in the vision/mission.

Academic dishonesty

All students are expected to be academically honest.   Cheating, lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated.   Any student found guilty of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will (at a minimum) receive an F (or 0.00) or failure in the course.    Plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes or otherwise securing help in a test, copying tests, assignments, reports or term papers; representing the work of another person as one’s own, collaborating, without authority, with another student during an examination or in preparing academic work; signing another student’s name on attendance sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty