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ET 111: Events Management

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This course is designed to address the needs of entrepreneurs and corporate entities regarding major trends and business practices in handling and managing events. It covers techniques for managing trade exhibits, sales promotion events, staff meetings and corporate events. It includes topics on management of event finances with a creative flair and control mechanisms.

Course Description: This course is designed to address the needs of entrepreneurs and corporate entities regarding major trends and business practices in handling and managing events. It covers techniques for managing trade exhibits, sales promotion events, staff meetings and corporate events. It includes topics on management of event finances with a creative flair and control mechanisms.  
Number of unit: Three (3) units

Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the student is expected to:


A.    Learn the Fundamental Concepts, Principles and Techniques related to Events Conceptualization, Planning and Management

B.     Preparation of  Events Concept/Project Paper

C.     Acquire knowledge , management and communication skills appropriate for an Events Organizer, Planner, Manager


A.    Perform tasks, in manner, that run harmoniously to the events organization, goals, decisions and functions

B.     Interact with the events project environment, maintaining focus toward achieving the established objectives


A.    Develop, further, the appreciation of the value of professionalism, creativity, objectivity and the integrity of handling the various stages of events management.

B.     Appreciate, further, the sensitive nature of team work, ethics, etiquette, diversity, practices in the trade and disposition of suppliers, agencies, colleagues and more importantly, the needs of clients .

Textbook and other Teaching Materials/Method:


            JOHNNY ALLEN et al….

            John Wiley and Sons Australia ltd. 2005

                                      ART OF THE EVENT

                                      A Complete Guide to Designing and Decorating Special


                                      JAMES C. MONROE

                                      John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2006


                                      EVENT MARKETING

                                      How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals,               

                                      Conventions, and Expositions

                                      LEONARD H. HOYLE

                                      John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2002

                                                 Note: All Books are in the College Library

B. Lectures/Discussions using Power Point /Slide Presentations 

C. Workshops, Brainstorming, Research, Interviews, Viewing of Exhibits, Attending Events, Team Works, Coaching

D. Case Studies/discussions
E. Actual Staging/Managing of Event

Course Requirements

(Activity 1-6; A-H)

:A.    Recitations and Team Participation

B.     Event Project Concept (Activity # 1Part 1)/Research/Interviews; Presentation and Written Report

C.     Partner Topic Presentation/ This is a Research Paper for Oral and Written Presentation: Activity #1 Part 2 (Part of Pre Lim

D.    Events Proposal/Plan; Presentation and Written Report (Activity #2/Part of Pre lims)

E.     Events Project Details and Pre Staging Details; Contracts; Plans; Fund Raising (Activity #3)

F.      Events Staging/Execution (Part of Final Exam; Activity #4; Activity # 5 Part 1)

G.    Post Event Documentation/Evaluation/ (Part of Final Exam; Activity # 5 part 2)

H.    Course Evaluation/Team Grade/Individual Grade/Attendance/Comportment (Part of over all grade; Activity #5 Part 3)/Exam Permit

Expectations from each student: The student’s responsibility is to come to each class prepared.   She is also expected to take all examinations on the dates scheduled.   She should read/prepare well the assigned reading materials and topic presentations; submit all requirements as they are due.   She is expected work with teams, take charge of the assigned tasks; to attend each class and participate in class activities. She is expected to uphold the Miriam’s integrity, values, principles, discipline and aspirations as written in the vision/mission.


Academic dishonesty: All students are expected to be academically honest.   Cheating, lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated.   Any student found guilty of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will (at a minimum) receive an F (or 0.00) or failure in the course.    Plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes or otherwise securing help in a test, copying tests, assignments, reports or term papers; representing the work of another person as one’s own, collaborating, without authority, with another student during an examination or in preparing academic work; signing another student’s name on attendance sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.


Grading System

    100   %
Pre lim (A)

(B): Activity #1 Part 1

C): Activity #1 Part 2


Mid Term (D,E)



Finals (F,) Part 1

Documentation Requirements – Finals Part 2 (G)






Course Eval, attendance; comportment, etc (H)


99-100 = 5.00        87-89 = 3.00      75-77 = 1.00

96-98   = 4.50        84-86 = 2.50      74 below=F
93-95   = 4.00        81-83 = 2.00
90-92   = 3.50        78-80 = 1.50