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BSA-104: Financial Accounting and Reporting Part II

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BSA-104 is a continuation of Financial Accounting and Reporting Part I. It is designed to cover the financial accounting principles relative to recognition, measurement, valuation and financial statement of presentation of liabilities and shareholder's equity, including disclosure requirement. The related internal control, ethical issues, and management of liabilities and owner's equity are also covered

Course Description:

This course is a continuation of Financial Accounting Part I & Part II. It deals with the current trends in accounting for shareholder’s   equity, in accordance with accounting standards (Philippines Accounting. Standards and Philippine Financial Reporting Standards issued by the Accounting Standards Council. Is also covers accounting for leases, income tax and employee benefits. 


Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, students are expected to:

1.  Have sound knowledge of the generally accepted accounting principles applicable to the recognition, measurement, valuation, presentation and disclosures relating to shareholders’ equity.

2. Integrate and apply the generally accepted accounting principles to problem situations involving shareholders’ equity that are likely encountered in practice.

3.  Understand the application of accounting principles and reporting practices about financial accounting for leases, income tax and employee benefits,


1.  Apply the skills in the presentation of financial statements with focus on shareholders’ equity, lease, income tax, employee benefits and related revenue and expense items.

2.   Apply the skill in systematic problem solving.
1.   Develop the value of honesty, objectivity and perseverance.

2.   Realize the contributions of accounting standards to the development of a more socially responsible and morally upright professional accountant.

3.   Appreciate the role of financial accounting in meeting the informational needs of stakeholders a basis for decision making.

4.   Appraise critically the role of international Accounting Standards in achieving harmonization of accounting standards throughout the world. 

Course Requirements
1.   Compilation of assignments, quizzes and seat works.

2.  Compilations of basic standards covering definition, recognition,  measurement, classification balance sheet presentation and   disclosure requirement relating to assets, liabilities and equities covered by the subject.

3.   2007 annual report of publicly listed companies.
4.   Quizzes, prelim examination and final examination.
Grading System:
1st Half
2nd Half
Final grade
Attendance, seatwork, Assignment
Departmental examination