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Visual Arts

CA-122: Audio-Visual Communication

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CA-122 is an introductory course on the basic techniques of producingaudio-visual materials necessary for use in various media like print, film, television, theater and others. The production of alternative media forms, like comics, streamers, flyers and brochures are also given emphasis.

Course Description;

This is an introductory course on the techniques of producing audio-visual materials necessary for use in various media like print, film, television, theater, and others. The production of alternative media forms, like comics, streamers, posters, flyers, and brochures are also given emphasis.
The course also focuses on media mix or the appropriate use of audio-visual materials in varying situations.   
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1.     Understand the theory and practice in utilizing audio and visual media for instruction, education, and communication.
2.     Develop skills in the selection, use and integration of audio and visual media in various fields.  
3.     Accept the value and contributions of these two media working separately or together, in communication.
4.     Realize the full potentials of audio-visual communication which include traditional and emerging technologies.
Value Aims:
At the end of the course, the student should have:
1.     Acquired a sense collaborative learning skills among peers and moderators;
2.     Enhanced creativity in making optimum and cost effective use of available resources;
3.     Developed critical thinking in the selection and appropriate use of various audio-visual media and technology; and
4.     Realized the value of truth in communicating information.
1.     Interactive discussions and other experiential vehicles
2.     Library and Field Research
3.     Sharing Sessions
4.     Audio-visual and multi-media presentations
5.     Critique of audio-visual and multi-media materials produced in various fields.
Requirements and Grading System:
Final Examination: Final Audio-Visual Communication Project – 30%
The average of the group projects and presentations (four) – 60%
Class participation/attendance – 10%