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ET 110 - Business Policy

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Integrates the different concepts learned in other courses by making the students analyze the problems of a company from the point of view of top management. It also introduces the concepts of corporate strategy designed to equip students with necessary knowledge and skills of a Chief Executive Officer. The emphasis is geared towards policy making. Social responsibility of business is further emphasized and viewed in terms of corporate objectives and strategies. Cases are used extensively throughout the semester, analyzed using strategic management matrices. This focuses on areas which will provide students in business, entrepreneurship and accountancy an envisioned functions as corporate planner for business policies.

Pre-requisite: Fourth Year Status


General:    At the end of the course, the students are expected to understand corporate strategy and business policy, as part of the total strategic management process.


  • Cognitive:

            1.   Develop competencies in organizing framework for their business vision, mission, value creation, planning and administration of corporate strategies.

            2.  Recognize the significance of strategic business policies.

  • Affective:

            3.   Realize and appreciate the theoretical framework, research, integration of concepts, and their individual creativity that will guide students in developing strategic management process and business policy.

            4.  Acquire ultimate high sense of values and social responsibility in the industry as future practitioner, apply the core values of truth, integriy, peace and justice both in the internal and external environment of the business.

  • Psychomotor

            5.   Learn to apply the concepts in their proposed/business plan or on-going business or as a future member of top or middle management posiiton in the industry.

Textbook:David, Fred R., Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases. 11th edition, Pearson Education South Asia, 2007

References:  Hitt, Michaelm Hoskisson, Ireland. Management of Strategy:  Concepts and Cases. Thompson South-Western. 2005.

                        Pitts, Robert and David Lei. Building and Sustaining Competititve Advantage.  4th edition. Thomas-South Western Publication, USA


Course Requirements:

1.  Class participation -opinion-based discussion, on-line expression of ideas and reactions.

2.  Quizzes and assignments, including readings, web research.

3.  Case studies and business simulation, analyses using strategic management approach and matrices.

4.  Major examinations - preliminary and final examinations

5.  Strategic Management Plan

6.  Class citizenship - enrollment policies on-line, attendance, compliance with requirements on time, ethics and sense of responsibility and teamwork,  on-line compliance.

Grading System:

A.  Class standing:

     1.  Quizzes and experiential exercises; case analyses    = 33%

     2.  Class participation, attendance, citizenship                 = 33%

     3.  Preliminary examination                                               = 33%        = 100%   x 2/3

B.  Final examination - Strategic Management Plan

                                      with Defense                                                     =  100%  x 1/3

Transmutation Table: 

     Score                      Grade Equivalent                   Score            Grade Equivalent

92 & above                       5                                 72-75                    2.5

88-91                                4.5                              68-71                    2

84-87                                4                                 64-67                   1.5

80-83                                3.5                              60-63                   1

76-79                                3                        Below 60                         F

Course Content:

I. Corporate strategy:  Introduction.  Strategic management concept. Key terms in strategic management. Strategic management model.

II.Formulating the strategy. Vision, mission.  Characteristics of mission statement. Mission statement components/

III.The nature of the external audit.  Porter's five forces model. External factors evaluation matrix. Competitive profile matrix.

IV.Internal factors evaluation matrix.  The resource-based view. Porter's five generic strategies.

V.Strategies in action, analysis and choice.  SWOT matrix. SPACE matrix. Boston consulting group matrix. Internal-external matrix. Grand strategy matrix. Quantitative strategic planning matrix.

VI.Preparing and presenting case analyses. Strategic management case. Guideline for preparing case analyses.  Preparing a case for class discussion.  Making a verbal and visual presentation.

VII.Presentation and analysis of corporate strategic management process from various industries.