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Local Internship

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ETC 107 provides students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-work environment in the local setting. Credit is awarded on a pass-fail basis for full-time employment amounting to a minimum of 300 hours and is contingent upon the successful evaluation from the host placement.

Course Code:                                   

ETC 107

Course Title:                                    

Local Internship

Course Description:                       

ETC 107 provides students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practice in a real-work environment in a local setting. Credit is awarded on a pass-fail basis for full-time employment amounting to a minimum of 300 hours and is contingent upon the successful evaluation from the host placement.

Five (5) units
ETC 101
Course Objectives:                        
1. Gain actual work experience in a professional setting;
2. Become familiar with the industry’s standards and procedures; and
3. Make the students realize their professional and social strengths and weaknesses
1. Regular attendance at placement
2. Regular meetings and/or consultations with the coordinator
3. Prompt submission of written requirements
4. Successful evaluation from the host placement
The student’s responsibility is to come to work prepared and represent Miriam College and American Hospitality Academy accordingly.
All ETC 107 students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will (at a minimum) receive an F or failure in the course. Plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes or otherwise securing help in a test; copying tests, assignments, reports or term papers; representing the work of another person as one’s own; collaborating without authority, wit another student during an examination or in preparing academic work; signing another student’s name on an attendance sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.
Log attendance at placement report    5%
Journal single entries                           20%
Bound journal                                           5%
Self-evaluation report                            25%
Placement supervisor evaluation       25%
Placement peer evaluation                 20%

Local Internship requirements(1).docx